
How to Restore an Oracle Dump Using Imp Command

The following steps will guide us in the restoration of an oracle dump file. connect as system and enter your password sqplus system@xe ...

Introduction to a git remote repository

For example we've just created a new project and want to push it to a remote repository. Here's what we need to do. Find out what...

Getting started with jax-rs security

This tutorial will summarize how the author was able to call a secured rest webservice using resteasy. We will not go into detail on how we ...

How to Import and Export a Database Dump in Oracle

The following instruction will help us in importing and exporting our oracle database. Create and restore dump file (http://www.datab...

Swift webview tutorial

The UIWebView class is use to embed web content in an application. It can be done by simply creating a UIWebView object and attaching it to ...

Using Background Image in Navigation Bar in ios in XCode

You can still use the setBackgroundImage: method to assign a custom image for the navigation bar. Here is the line of code for setting the ...

Trigger event on first launch in xcode

Open AppDelegate.swift and modify this line: func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: NS...

Java Development

Table of Contents HTML Scraping with Java

CSharp Development

Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion'. How to implement an ajaxcontrol toolkit cascading dropdown ...

Operating Systems

How to show all startup items in Ubuntu 12.04 How to install artifactory and jenkins on ubuntu 12.04 How to dual boot Windows 7 and...


MSSQL MSSQL equivalent of DESC in MYSQL Postgresql Change postgresql's postgres password How to install hstore in post...

Web Development

Wordpress Configure Custom Wordpress Permalink Zencart How to add a customize product admin fields in zencart by editing/adding ...

Repository Management

GIT How to invoke a Jenkins build from Assembla on GIT push How to initialize a git repository and linked it to a remote repository pro...

JavaEE Development

JavaEE6 How to create a javaee6 web app using jboss maven war archetype Create a simple javaee6 web app with maven, glassfish and pos...

Mobile Development

iPhone / XCode Development Create an iphone application using xcode that dynamically creates sqlite tables My Todo List iphone ap...
